An Art Society
Andrew Smith

1994-96 - MA Fine Art Printmaking Camberwell College Of Arts, London
1983-86 - BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting, Norwich School Of Art 2:1 Commendation In
Theoretical Studies
1981-82 - Foundation Art Diploma, Buckinghamshire College Of Higher
Education, Diploma With Merit
Solo Exhibition (Selected)
2019 - Colourscapes, Royal Cambrian Academy (solo)
2018-19 - Colour Surface Light, Sauerbier House AiR, South Australia (solo)
2018 - Colour Equilibrium, noformat gallery, Deptford London (solo)
2016 - R E-T A K E / R E-I N V E N T, Storiel Bangor, Oriel Ynys Môn, Royal Cambrian Academy
2015 - Edge of Colour II, Ucheldre Arts Centre, Holyhead
2012 - Edge Of Colour I, Bangor Museum and Art Gallery
2009-10 - Off Straits: new acrylics on paper with three other artists, Park Arts Centre, Port Adelaide, South Australia
2007 - EN ROUTE New paintings with Krakow exhibition selection, Oriel, Davies Gallery, Newtown with ‘Things Which Are’
Group Exhibition (Selected)
2019 - Valdis Bušs 3 rd International Plein AiR with Mark Rothko Center. Vilaka Municipality, Latvia
2019 - bauhaus100 CARN, Caernarfon 2019 PAINT PS Mirabel, Manchester
2018-19 - A Liverpool Bestiary. Liverpool John Moores University Print Project presented at IMPACT 10 Palacete Del Embarcadero,
Santander; ATINER Athens; Avenue HQ, Liverpool; Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery; The Williamson Gallery; The Walker
Art Gallery; 500x gallery, Texas.
2018 - Royal Cambrian Academy 136th Annual Exhibition 2018 Insight with Helfa Gelf at Oriel Mostyn 2017 Connexion, Europe-ICAW
- exchange group exhibition luggage art, Oriel Brondanw 2017 Royal Cambrian Academy 135th Annual Exhibition
2015 - Real Time Art From Wales, CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy
2015 - RCA in Cardiff, Kooywood Gallery, Cardiff
2015 - Royal Cambrian Academy 133rd Annual Exhibition 2014 In and Out of the Citadel Galeria Kobro, Akademia Strzeminski, Lodz 2014 - The Presence of Absence. Llawn 02, with Llandudno Museum, RCA and Culture Colony
2014 - Royal Cambrian Academy 132nd Annual Exhibition
2014 - One Alfred Place with Store Street Gallery, London W1Royal Cambrian Academy Open 2014 – highly commended
2012 - Past, Present and Future. Ten Years of the Regional Print Centre, Oriel Wrexham
2012-11 - UNEARTHED: Carpenters Road Studios, Stratford East London. Olympic Delivery Authority/Insite Arts
2009-10 - LE CHÉILE: Welsh-Irish print collaboration, Graphic Print Studio, Dublin; Rhyl Library and Art Gallery and touring South Australia
with Country Arts SA through 2011.
2018 - International Opportunities Fund Grant from Wales Arts International
2014 -17 - Arts Council of Wales, Large Organisation Grant for project RE-TAKE/REINVENT
2011 - Venice Biennale Travel Grant Wales Arts International
2009 - Grundtvig Visit & Exchange Research Grant for visit to Cyprus College of Art linking Bangor University
2006 - Arts Council of Wales Grant for Individual Production and Presentation. Major award for EN ROUTE Otwarta Pracownia and
Wales. New paintings and exhibition in Krakow, Poland
2005 - Wales Arts International Venice Biennale Review Travel grant
2004 - Wales Arts International Inter-recce, IDENTITADES, Residency Morelia, Michoacán, México (Collection Universidad Michoacán)
2003 - Wales Arts International, Inter-recce, GALICHÑIK ART COLONY, Macedonia (Collection Museum Contemporary Art Skopje)
2002 - Wales Arts International, Inter-recce, Residency “A SOLAINA DE PILOÑO” 6th Xuntanza Obradoiro Internacional Das Artes
Plasticas, Piloño, Galicia, Spain (Collection Fundación Casa Museo “A Solaina” de Piloño)
2001 - Arts Council of Wales Career Development: THE SURFACE OF COLOUR screenprint project with Counterprint Studio, London
also sponsored by Gibbon Inks and Coatings Screen Division.
International Residencies and Collaborations
2019 - Valdis Bušs 2019: The 3rd International Painting Plein Air, Vilaka, Latvia. With Mark Rothko Center, Daugavpils
2018 - Sauerbier House AiR, Port Noarunga, South Australia. Three month residency and exhibition Supported by an International
Opportunities Fund Grant from Wales Arts International
2016 - El Arreciado V International Wool Sculpture Symposium, Spain
2007-09 - LE CHÉILE: Welsh-Irish collaborative print project
POLUDNIE, Katowice, Poland; installation and presentation of paintings (with support from Wales Arts International)
2004 - IDENTITADES, MORELIA, MICHOÁCAN, MÉXICO; residency and exhibition at Centro Cultural Universitario by invitation
of Secretario de Difusion y Extension Cultural de la Universidad Michoacana (with support from Wales Arts International)
2003 - GALICHÑIK ART COLONY, MACEDONIA, international invited residency (with support from Wales Arts International)
2002 - “A SOLAINA DE PILOÑO” 6th Xuntanza Obradoiro Internacional Das Artes Plasticas, PILOÑO , GALICIA, SPAIN, invited residency.
Exhibition in Casa Museo Municipal de Lalin ́ “Ramon M Aller” (with support from Wales Arts International)

2014-16 - R E-T A K E / R E-I N V E N T. Curator and
Project Coordinator. 16 artists make new
work from Amgueddfa Cymru - National
Museum Wales collection with partner
galleries Oriel Ynys Môn; Royal Cambrian
Academy, Storiel.
2005 - HARLECH BIENNALE Associate of the
inaugural and subsequent events
2000 - Initiator and organiser, in association
with Theatr Ardudwy
2015 - ICAW Documented Art affiliate member
2014 - Elected Member of Royal Cambrian Academy
Public Art Commissions and Projects
2014 - Seven Traces Contemporary Arts Festival, Caernarfon in association with Bocs
2013 - WAVY BANNERS, ET4U Contemporary Art, West Jutland, Denmark
2011 - LONG STORIES FOR PERM: SPEED OF COLOUR. Perm, Russia. Public Art project with Museum of Contemporary Art Perm.
Implementation of individual project Seven Colours Red and participation in . Funded by Public art program of PERMM (Perm
museum of modern art) in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Permsky Krai region, city government of Perm.
2010 - SPLOTT RAILWAY BRIDGE Artwork Design Commission, Splott, Cardiff. Cardiff City Council
2009 - BUSINESS SERVICE CENTRE, INNOVATION QUARTER, BARRY. Foyer Artworks, two commissioned paintings. Vale of Glamorgan
2018 - MUM MAM DUMB DAMN: The Narrative of Memory. Eli Acheson-Elmassry Wales Arts Review
2016 - Re-take Re-invent: Engaging Studio Practice for Learning: New Art from Past Art. AD National Society for Education in Art and
Design, Autumn 2016 Issue 17, p.26. ISSN 2046-3138
2015 - The Conversation. Editor’s Choice: The world’s most expensive painting is too sexually explicit for Fox News
2014 - Talking about the Family: Acheson-Elmassry. Essay on the work of Eli AchesonElmassry. Eli. Catalogue publication.
2010 - Assessment of The Journal in Fine Art Studio Practice. First Year Student Experience Wales A Practical Guide publication, The Higher
Education Academy
of the Arts London project supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
2004 - IDENTITADES Michoacan, Mexico Report, Wales Arts International
2003 - GALICHNIK ART COLONY Report, Wales Arts International
2002 - “A SOLAINA DE PILOÑO” Galicia Report, Wales Arts International
2002 - NOTES ON COLOUR: Harlech Art Biennale 4 Seminar Text
2001 - THE SURFACE OF COLOUR Screenprint Project Report, Arts Council of Wales and Gibbon Inks and Coatings Screen Division 2001
2000 - HARLECH PRINTMAKING OPEN REVIEW: IMAGO, winter 2000. Black Church Print Studio, Dublin ABOUT PRINTMAKING: Introduction
Harlech Printmaking Open catalogue
2003 - Participation “What Is Art For You” video by Irene Paskali, Macedonia
Catalogues and Publications
2014 - Wavy Banners 2013. ET4U Denmark. ISBN 978-87-991270-3-0
2013 - Oil Paintings in Public Ownership: North and Mid-Wales. The Public Catalogue Foundation ISBN 978-1-909475-03-8, p155,156
2012 - Past, Present and Future. Regional Print Centre Wrexham. p.79,80
2010 - Le Ché ile. Regional Print Centre Wrexham. ISBN 978-0-9553031-3-5
2002-04 - Art Colony Galichnik, Museum of the City of Skopje. ISBN 9989-9811-4-0
2004 - Fourth International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia
2002 - VIth Xuntanza Obradoiro Internacional Das Artes Plasticas, “A SOLAINA DE PILOÑO” p28-29 Museo Municipal de Lalin ISBN 84 ́
City of Onkaparinga Art Collection, CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Bangor
University, Secretario de Difusion Cultural de la Universidad Michoacána, México, Fundación Casa Museo “A Solaina” de Piloño;
Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia;
Frazer & Watson, London; Clifford Chance Solicitors, London; Zeckler & Co, London
Art Works Created during Artists' Point 2019